Front kick, Side Kick, Knee Kick delivered from various angels.
Low Kick delivered from various angles (as demonstrated on the Combatives DVD)
Strikes: Punching and palm strikes, forearm/elbow strike.
The IKI Krav Maga "kata" as shown on the "Krav Combatives Up to Date" DVD
Professor Cohen's Down and Dangerous series: Kicking and defense while on the ground and opponents standing
Grappling: Basic Joint locks, Basic guard defense.
Key lock - "Figure Four" lock
Arm Bar
Rear Naked Choke
Flow: combining elements of stand up striking and grappling, take downs and control techniques, all flowing in a natural progression.
Develop controlled aggressiveness and fighting spirit.
нож - Mes - Messer - Coltello - Cuchillo - סכין
Overhead Knife strike to neck
Straight thrust to chest, stomach
Knife attack to side of head
Knife Attack to Ribs
GUN - Geweer- Пистолет - Pistola - אקדח
Hand Gun to front of head: arms length, touch distance, pushing.
Gangster style threat to the head
Gun to the side of the head
Gun to the stomach, distance, touching pushing
Gun to the back of the head, lower back, mid back.
Defense Vs. Stick Attack
Understand APC; Ability, Purpose, Circumstances