Becoming an IKI Instructor - Making the transition
The idea of this page is to provide IKI Krav Maga instructors and IKI Kickboxing Instructors with easy access to information they need without having to search all over the IKI website. (Most likely the largest Krav Maga website in the world).
For general information for instructors in terms of our policies, please see Certification page. Please study this page carefully so we can avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.
Too often members make assumptions which are not correct, such as:
Fact Check - FALSE
None of these assumptions is correct. Please refer to the IKI Certification page for the correct information.
You may use the IKI logo to promote your school/business.
We request that you display the IKI logo in your school, on your website, and on your social media posts. This helps promote all our schools worldwide, which in turn helps each individual school. All for one and one for all.
When you do not use the IKI logo, I cannot share your post, as it appears that I am promoting a non-IKI Krav Maga school. Use the IKI logo and I will share and help promote you.
Be proud to be part of IKI. Let your students know you are teaching IKI Krav Maga.
Rules for Instructors
The IKI logo is for the benefit of all IKI instructors but there are some rules we need to make clear.
You May
Print banners and business cards with the IKI logo.
Print stationary with the IKI logo.
Print invoices with the IKI logo.
Use the IKI logo for your website.
Use the IKI logo for advertisement.
Use the IKI logo your school, signs, billboards.
Use the IKI logo on student attendance certificates when Moshe Katz is invited to teach a seminars.
You may print special items for Moshe Katz's seminars. Please consult with us first.
You May NOT
Print T shirts or other merchandise using the IKI Logo unless you have arranged this with the IKI administration - Head office (for a fee)
Print diplomas or any certificates using the IKI logo. (other than for IKI seminars hosting Moshe Katz or with special approval of the IKI Head Office.
Issue any ranks without the approval of Moshe Katz (each instructor level is entitled to promote up to a certain level).
IKI logo on flyers
Please do not place the IKI logo next to the logo of another international Krav Maga association unless you have received specific permission to do so from the IKI head office.
i.e. You can and should place the IKI logo next to your own personal school logo (if you have one), but not next to some other international Krav Maga association's logo as this would imply IKI endorsement and thus create total confusion. When in doubt contact Moshe Katz directly. Each of you have a direct connection without intermediaries.
Possible exceptions: Major martial arts events sponsored by several Krav Maga associations; this would make sense.
Explanation: IKI has its own unique program and approach to Krav Maga self defense. If you have some connection to some other Krav Maga organization (perhaps past ranks etc) and place both logos on your flyers; this creates confusion. People will look and think, I guess IKI and IKWME (fictitious name) are the similar! I guess the techniques are all basically the same, I guess all Krav Maga styles are essentially the same thing.
However this is not true. IKI is different. Our goal at IKI is to establish the fact that we are different from all other Krav Maga associations.
How high can you test your students?
Apprentice Instructor - Can test students for yellow and orange belts.
Assistant Instructor - Can test students for Yellow, Orange, Green.
Associate Instructor - Can test students for Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Advanced Blue.
Full Instructor - Can test students for Yellow through Advanced Brown belt. Promote to Black Belt in consultation with the head instructor of IKI.
For Brown and Black Belt you must test in conjunction with the IKI Head office.
Some important clarifications about the instructor status
Instructor Status Clarification
All the information you need to host an IKI seminar. This includes travel, costs, conditions, housing, cancellation fees, etc.
Please see Hosting a seminar
Seminar deposit $350
Seminar fee $750
Renew Your IKI Membership
Krav Maga Certification Process
for full information about this important program.
Tour and Train Israel Experience
Five Day Training Camp In Israel
Ordering IKI Krav Maga diplomas for students, $10
Diplomas are $10 each, they come signed by Moshe Katz with a space for the local certified IKI instructor to sign next to him. (You should have your own IKI seal). We will also be happy to fill in all the information, student name in English and Hebrew, rank, dates. Or, if you prefer, we can leave those blank for you to fill in as you need them.
Minimum order 10 diplomas
Ordering IKI Kickboxing diplomas for students $6
Minimum order 10 diplomas
From time to time members need help. This fund was established to provide a little help.
$25 donation to help out members in need. Moshe Katz will personally match every donation.
This fund was established to help out long term members who have fallen on hard times. Your generosity to your colleagues is appreciated.
Ordering T Shirts in Bulk
You can mix and match: all styles, all colors, just send us an e mail with the details.
30 T Shirts (all sizes) $390
60 T Shirts (all sizes) $680
10 Pack Krav Maga large stickers $10
10 Pack Kickboxing large stickers $10
Apprentice Instructor $5
Assistant Instructor $5
Associate Instructor $5
Full Instructor $5
Master Instructor $5
IKI Patches, 10 pack $50
DVD Ten pack $100
Purchase DVDs to sell to your students
Instructor T Shirt, Green, English
Instructor T Shirt, Black, English
Instructor T Shirt Gray, English
Dri fit Instructor T shirt English, Black
Dri fit Instructor T shirt Hebrew, Black
Apprentice Instructor Certification - $160
Assistant Instructor Certification - $180
Associate Instructor Certification - $200
Full Instructor Certification $300
Master Instructor $100
First Dan Krav Maga Black Belt $280
Second dan Krav Maga Black Belt $350
Third dan Krav Maga Black Belt $500
Fourth dan Krav Maga Black Belt $400
Fifth dan Krav Maga Black Belt $360
First dan Black Belt Kickboxing $160
Second dan Kickboxing Black Belt $180
Third dan Kickboxing Black Belt $170
Fourth dan Kickboxing Black Belt $160
Fifth dan Kickboxing Black Belt $150
Kickboxing Instructor certification $100
IDF Pants $49
Kickboxing Shorts $35