You are a Zero

December 11, 2024, Israel

A dear lifelong friend of mine is a cantor and a singer. He is gifted, having been born with a magnificent voice, but he was not content with that. He spent many years training in various forms of music, from popular to classic, opera and Jewish liturgical music. Today he was invited to lecture at the Conference of European Cantors, truly a professional accomplishment. I listened to his lecture. 

He spoke of a well-known cantor that he had the privilege of studying with. He made an interesting remark; his talk was full of praise for this cantor, now deceased, but he said that the cantor would always yell at him, "You are a zero". but my friend said to the audience, "I didn't care, I didn't take it to heart, I was training with an expert, a great cantor, I was just happy to be learning". He commented, "the guy was a master at put downs, as many of the greats are, but I didn't care."

He commented that many years later they were still in touch, and my friend sent him some analysis of a musical piece, with his comments on it. The great maestro responded, "Yes, you got it, that is absolutely correct". My friend honored this man with many kind words, totally dismissing the somewhat harsh aspect of his personality. 

What can we learn from this story?

In this day and age people seem to get offended rather easily. But my friend was focused on what really mattered, gaining knowledge. He dismissed the crude put downs as the frustration a teacher sometimes naturally feels when the student is just not getting it. You cannot let such things turn you away. 

I do believe, preach and practice, that martial arts teachers, and all teachers, should be a sensitive as we can be. But I also believe that students should be more like my friend, don't run away just because your teacher growled out at you. Understand that he might be a perfectionist, and he feels frustrated by apparent clumsiness.  Yes, we teachers can get frustrated and some of us are not as patient as others. I work very hard on being patient, but it is a challenge. I too was never offended from my teachers' putdowns, and there were plenty. If I were weak of heart, I would have quit years ago, but I stayed on. You can insult me, but I don't take it personally. It is difficult to be patient at all times. 

I am proud of my friend and his very mature attitude. Let us focus on learning and not on the nuances of the teacher, teachers can also get frustrated at times. And as teachers we must always try our best to be kind and sensitive to the students. 


Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

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