December 10, 2024, Israel
Words, gossip, talk, can be devasting and deadly. I am not talking about the "woke" generation. I am not talking about being hypersensitive. I am not talking about people getting offended too easily about nonsense. I want to be clear about that. I personally don't mind ethnic jokes as long as they are not intended to offend anyone. I tell plenty of Jewish jokes. One of our characteristics as a people is our ability to laugh at ourselves. We have produced many great comedians over the years and the rabbis of the Talmud actually praise comics and comedy. I want to talk about something else.
I want to talk about religion, law, and God. Yes, those can be "controversial" topics these days. Religion has been under attack for well over 100 years if not longer, religious people are often portrayed as people looking for simple solutions to complex problems. Believers are seen by non-believers as primitive fools who follow outdated doctrine created by ancient primitive people who were incapable of understanding science and related subjects.
Now modern research more and more reveals the brilliance of ancient "primitive" people who created complex structures that even today we cannot duplicate, replicate or even understand. Much of what has been found is so complex and involves such a depth of knowledge and understanding of the universe, space, planetary movements, that some believe aliens must have created these. It is clear that advanced mathematical calculations were used to build structures aligned with planetary movements. In the meantime, these days it is difficult to find a road that does not have potholes and in need of constant repair.
But that is just a side point. I want to speak of something devastating, the Evil tongue, Slander.
I am currently studying a tractate of the Talmud that deals with real estate, sales, commerce, etc, the laws, as always, are very detailed and there are endless debates among the Talmudic rabbis of the early centuries. I know that to many modern Jews, and others, these are topics to be mocked. Why would you spend so much time studying the minutiae of laws that are no longer applicable in modern life? Isn't that a waste of time? Why would a city person study the "trivial" details of laws from the 2nd century concerning cattle transactions when this person has never owned or even seen a cow? Those religious Jews are just plain ignorant.
And yet people wonder why so many Jews are so successful, well, study the Talmud and you will get a clue.
I continue. I remember as a child studying a tractate where two men find a garment and each claim it belongs to him. The discussion becomes very detailed. Soon it evolves into a case where one finds an object in a public area and must determine if he can keep it for himself, or make an effort to find the true owner; what kind of signs were signifying ownership? Now this case may never occur to us, however, think of it this way: You spend hours, days, weeks, studying this ancient text on the issue of ownership, now could you possibly think of stealing? Of taking something that does not belong to you? It becomes ingrained in you that ownership, property, is a holy concept. If you have to go out of your way to locate the owner of an object you found on the street, how much more so do you understand in your soul that you can never take that which does not belong to you?
There is wisdom here. What at first seems irrelevant soon becomes very relevant. All the mind-boggling detailed discussions produce a certain kind of person.
You will find today, top lawyers, CEO's, men in positions of great power, who devote time daily to studying the ancient words of the Talmud. Do you really think these are the kind of men who waste valuable time? Did they reach these heights and achieve this success by wasting time on foolish activities? Think again.
and now there is the topic of Slander, and the Evil tongue.
“Who is the man that desires life, and loves days, that he may see good therein? Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it” (Psalms 34:13-15).
Let us study some "irrelevant" Jewish law, written long before your grandmother was born.
It is written, "Do not be a talebearer among your people." What constitutes talebearing? It is carrying gossip and going from one to the other saying, "So and so said this…," "I have heard such and such about so and so." Even if [the tale he tells] is true, and it brings no disgrace to anyone it is, still, a violation of a negative commandment, and it is a grave sin, which causes the death of Jewish people. Because of this [the law against talebearing] is followed by: [the verse] "Do not stand by the blood of your neighbor." (Code of Jewish law)
The scholar who, more than anyone else in the past few hundred years, devoted his life to combating “the evil tongue,” as slander was Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan of Poland. He wrote entire books on this topic, among his comprehensive works on the subject is that Jewish law makes no distinction between libel and slander, between written and verbal calumny. He demonstrates that the prohibition of “evil talk” includes; listening to it, making libelous remarks about a competitor’s merchandise, and praising a person to his enemies, who will react by speaking ill of him.
This is a painful topic. Slander is very tempting, people love to talk about others, but people also think they can get on your good side if they share some information about other people. Now this is a tricky area. Again, back to Jewish law, "outdated and irrelevant" to modern times. Jewish law goes into great detail on all matters, whether it is the laws of the Sabbath, dietary laws or the laws of speaking the Evil Tongue. There is a difference between warning a person about something or just slandering.
It is a complex matter, and I will not go into too much detail over here, but for example, if your friend is about to go into business with a man whom you know to be a thief, liar and manipulator, and you have proof, that is certainly something you should warn one about. Similar with a relationship, if you know someone to be deceiving another before marriage and hiding very important information, that is something you should share. But other issues one must be very careful about. Gossip, slander, can destroy relationships. One must be very careful warnings - yes, pointless gossip - no. You must help your friends avoid pitfalls, business deals that could cost them their life savings, or their very lives. But saying someone told a joke about you, or someone thinks you talk too much, or dress funny, or are boring, that serves no purpose but to damage a relationship.
There are things people tell me that I wish they had not. I have no way of knowing how true they are, or if they represent a full picture. Again, this is a tricky matter, it is not simple, therefore books have been written about it. One must think carefully before speaking, perhaps consult with a rabbi or a wise man in their community. Many things can be misunderstood, or taken out of context, and yet they are told in a way that creates anger and animosity. One must know when to remain silent and keep the "juicy" tidbit to themselves.
Often people make offhand remarks that are misunderstood, and then these remarks are blown out of proportion. But the damage is done, and often cannot be undone. The speaker must be very careful, but the listener must also be very careful, do not be so quick to believe everything you hear.
Often there is conflict between two individuals, and one will tell you things about another, to hurt your relationship with them, or to gain a better position with you. You must be very careful. Back to the Bible, the story of the Tower of Babel, just a silly children's story, right? not for modern people you say? It was created by primitive man to explain that which you could not understand otherwise. So what is written? It is written that God heard of the evil doings of man, and God came to see, to look, to investigate. And I ask you, if God is all-knowing than why must he come to man to see first hand what is being done?
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. (Genesis, Chapter 11)
To me the lesson is as follows: God knows all, God sees all, but YET, He hears a story, slander, evil, about mankind, but he does not accept it until he comes down in person, so to speak, and investigates the matter personally. The lesson for me is that if the all-knowing God must double check in person, must verify for himself, how much more so do we!
Is that relevant to our lives today? without the slightest doubt it is!
I am speaking to you from personal experience, and personal pain. I have been slandered myself many times, I have been the victim of slander, but I have also been a victim by being told slander about other people. Sometimes I believed this slander and felt very betrayed, and only much later did I find out that certain things were said out of context, or in a moment of anger. But the damage was done. Be careful what you repeat, be careful what you believe, be careful what you listen to. Sometimes words have two meanings...Often in life we must navigate a slippery path. On a mountain every climber knows that one false step can mean their painful death, but it is the same for all of us in our daily lives, one false word can cause great harm. Be careful what you believe.
In legal matters the Talmud goes into great detail; what was intended by the buyer, what was intended by the seller, what is included and what is excluded? None of this is left to chance, we need to be very clear. That is why Jews tend to make great lawyers. I have a scrap of paper written by my dear late grandfather, Rabbi Isaac Klein of blessed memory, in which he quotes the rabbis, be careful with your words, and let your words shine light upon the world. One who is careful with his words brings light to the world.
Follow the Torah, the Bible, guard your tongue from speaking or hearing evil. Who is the man who desires life and wants a good life? Let him guard his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking guile. These are no empty words. Watch your words...and when in doubt, choose silence. Choose life.
Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.
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