Umbrella Self Defense

September 9, 2024, San Fernando Valley, CA, USA


Ze'ev Jabotinsky

My brothers and I share a deep interest in Jewish history. Visiting my older brother in California I am reading the Story of the Jewish Legion by legendary Zionist Militarist Ze'ev Jabotinsky, (born Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky, Владимир Жаботинский. On our IKI Krav Maga Tour and Train program we always make a point of visiting the grave of this legendary leader. Among other things he can be called the father of Jewish militarism. He saw the need for Jewish self-defense, both armed and unarmed, both on an individual level, community level and on the national level. He preached that we should stop begging others to save us, or fight for us, we must save ourselves, we must fight for ourselves. With Joseph Trumpeldor, he co-founded the Jewish Legion of the British Army in World War I. He later founded several other self-defense groups which became the nucleus of the Israel Defense Forces years later. 

In the Story of the Jewish Legion Jabotinsky relates the now well-known story of the conversation between Max Nordau and a younger Jabotinsky. Nordau relates how a normal person puts his head out the window, senses a drop of rain and decides to put on a raincoat and get an umbrella. Not so the Jew! (The Jew of the Exile, before the state of Israel, the Jew who had been a Wandering Jew for close to 2,000 years, persecuted and tormented by both Muslim and Christian). The Jew, he relates, goes outside, it begins to rain, soon it is a downpour, and then the Jew catches pneumonia. At this point he remembers that he should have taken an umbrella.  

But the truth is that it is not only the Jew who suffers from this issue, it is nearly all of mankind. All over the world violence is erupting and yet most people remain sleepy. Self-defense courses remain half empty. Martial arts schools have to resort to children's programs just to pay the rent. High level black belts are running around playing children's games, just to keep the dojo alive. 

Most people will catch pneumonia and die before they sign up for Krav Maga training. Such is reality.

In the Valley I recall my early days of training with Shidoshi Frank Dux, now a dear friend. His Ninjitsu dojo was lined with many different kinds of weapons. I recall him being asked once what would be his weapon of choice, he responded - The Umbrella. He proceeded to explain the many ways an umbrella can be used in self-defense, from a surprise opening to using a pointy end to strike, as well as many other offensive and defensive motions. And, it is perfectly legal to carry even on a sunny day. The umbrella is also an improvised weapon, i.e. it is not like carrying a gun, which can be seen as violent, and can be illegal in some places. An umbrella symbolizes daily objects that are all around us, that we can learn to use as weapons. 

Reading the story of Nordau and Jabotinsky, while walking distance from the original Dux Ninjitsu dojo, I saw a connection. The umbrella can be a tool of self defense and a symbol. Often people like the cool aspects of training; the fitness, the empowerment, the sparring, the Bad Ass attitude. but when it comes to prevention, to "Looking both ways before you cross the street", to the boring art of "talking" about self defense, they are turned off. They don't really want to learn self defense, they want to be cool and have fun, and sadly, most martial arts school cater to this desire. After all, they need to make money. 

But the talking part, the written word, is the more important aspect of self-defense of survival. All those who were killed on October 7, 2023, could have been saved, by better awareness, by better Intelligence from the Israeli leadership. Lack of Awareness is death. Pushups and street fighting can only get you so far. Seeing trouble and avoiding it will save your life. Thus, the umbrella is not only an effective weapon of self-defense, it is also a symbol. It is a symbol of preventing trouble before it becomes dangerous.

Taking out an umbrella on time will mean you do not get drenched by the rain and do not get sick. This is better than becoming sick and using medicine as self-defense. Avoiding trouble, preparing for trouble, understanding violence, understanding your terrain, Awareness, will save you, Use your umbrella, in both ways.


Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

Understand the Israeli Fighting Mentality - Israel a Nation of Warriors by Moshe Katz


What is the cultural background of Krav Maga?  What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?

What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?

What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?

How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?

All that and more in this unique book.

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