Truth Matters

December 23, 2024, Israel


I have a little more time on my hands these days. With the war still going strong and the world economy still weak and recovering from Coronavirus restrictions, we simply don't have as many students coming to train in Israel, in fact the number is close to zero. War and Terrorism have their intended effect; to disrupt our lives. So I spend more time studying the Talmud and History.

In the Talmud I am currently dealing with an intense and detailed debate, taking place around the 2nd century C.E. (to the common era) about how the land of Israel was distributed among the 12 tribes of Israel as they entered the Promised Land after the long sojourn in the desert. The issues are complex and also involve property laws, the laws of inheritance and financial compensation for those whose lands are less fertile or further away from the center. 

It is very important to think of the needs of each tribe, each family, each individual. Thousands of people all over the world have been spending time studying this particular tractate in the recent period. And one might wonder, why are so many busy people, doctors, lawyers, accountants, Krav Maga instructors, devoting so much time to a topic that is clearly not relevant to our current lives? These laws are no longer relevant, no one can claim a piece of property in Israel by claiming to be a member of the tribe of Dan, or Judah. 

The answer is because Truth matters. Truth has value in and of itself and it does not matter at all if there are any current, known, applications.

"The seal of God is truth" (Talmud, tractates Sanhedrin and Sabbath).  שבת נה, א  סנהדרין · סד א

Similarly, two historians may be debating the Crisis of the Third Century, what were the exact causes, could it have been prevented? And while there are always lessons to be learned from history, modern people might wonder, why devote so much time to this? It is in the past, The Roman Empire is no more, why bother?

I recall a lecture on an archeological dig in Jerusalem, the scholar had devoted ten years of her life to studying a stretch of land no bigger than one's backyard, and she was so passionate and excited about it that she could hardly contain herself. Her two-hour lecture went overtime as she simply could not stop.

But why? Because Truth matters, regardless of whether there are any practical implications. 

Today we live in a world where Truth has become so distorted that even basic, simple, "Obvious" truths, have been lost. More than ever, we see how important it is to know the truth, even about events that happened long before your mother was born. For when Truth is distorted, we lose our foundation in life, we lose our balance, our anchor. One of the key points of George Orwell's (Eric Arthur Blair) classic "1984" was how truth was changed, how the Ministry of Truth became the government's way of controlling the past, and therefore the present, how history was changed and rewritten in order to manipulate and control the population, how anyone who dared challenge the propaganda was sent to a "Reeducation Camp". We pursue Truth for the sake of Truth, even if we cannot see the practical implications at the moment. Without Truth the Victim becomes the Villain, the Owner becomes the Trespasser, The Man of Truth becomes the Enemy of Society. So, we pursue Truth, and Truth matters. And I return to my books to debate ancient, outdated laws.

For the truth of the origin of Krav Maga, please see "History of Krav Maga


Moshe Katz, training continuously for nearly 4 decades, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

Understand the Israeli Fighting Mentality - Israel a Nation of Warriors by Moshe Katz


What is the cultural background of Krav Maga?  What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?

What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?

What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?

How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?

All that and more in this unique book.

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