December 12, 2024, Israel
The three founding fathers of the Jewish/Hebrew people are Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, or Avraham, Yisshak and Ya'akov. Each one has his virtues, and his faults, each one provides life lessons. I have read detailed archeological studies that provide very strong circumstantial evidence for the historical existence of these men, but whatever your take on this is, the lessons have value.
Abraham is the founder. He is featured as the one who understands that there is one God, an idea that was not well received at the time. He was the founder generation who faced opposition and ridicule. he put forth new ideas and had to fight for his point of view. In Hebrew the word the Hebrew, also means he who stood on the other side, and my father, may he rest in peace, would always say, be a moral majority of one, we learn from Father Abraham that even if we have to stand on one side of the river with your truth, and face the entire world on the other side, we must do so. That is what we learn, to stand up for your beliefs even if you must stand alone.
Isaac was the second generation. It was his task to spread the word beyond the original few followers. It was his role to live the life of holiness and morality that his father did, in the face of a world that was not ready for it. He had to live as a minority and try to expand the circle of followers.
Jacob is the third generation and is regarded by many rabbis as the greatest of the three fathers, and we must ask why. The answer is because he produces 13 children, he is known as Israel and we are known as The Children of Israel, i.e. the children of Father Jacob. He is the one who made the system work.
In martial arts there are many great practitioners who at some point come up with a great idea or a great technique, they are the founders. But that is not enough, someone has to carry it forward to the future, those are true founders of the system for without them the system dies with the founder. And all men die.
Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.
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