The Best you Got

August 20, 2024, El Al flight 001 Israel - New York, USA

It is a good flight. I have paid extra to be a little more comfortable, so I can arrive a little less broken from a 30-hour journey involving three flights and long waits. I paid extra so that when I arrive, I can get it my best. 

I have been doing these trips for a long time. Years ago, when I first started, I was younger, naturally. Getting older I am willing to pay a little more so that I don't get shoved into a sardine like travel compartment. I am willing to pay a little more to be treated a little less disrespected. 

The coffee is OK, the service is not great, at all. This is a rare opportunity for me, a time to catch up on movie watching, something I rarely do. I look around the menu, not much that appeals to me, but there is one that catches my eye, a boxing film, a film about life. Two old guys played by two old actors, Robert De Niro and Sylvester Stallone, two old Italian Americans, fight for honor, to find closure, to end an old grudge. It is a grudge match. 

One of the guys is talking to a friend. He feels that in the last fight, 30 years earlier, the fighters were not at their best. He needs to fight now, and have a face-off with both men fully prepared, at their best. 

"I've always regretted not beating him at his best

His girlfriend responds to him, 

"No matter how hard you guys work you won't be your best." Your best was 30 years ago.

Yes, that is true, no matter how hard we try, at this age, our best if far behind us, in the past, it is gone. We will never be 17 again, we will never be 21. We will never be again at the prime of our youth, we will never again be looking forward to a future full of hope, however, we are still alive.

He responds, "It's the best we got".

Yes, nearly 40,000 feet in the air I have found inspiration for my upcoming Krav Maga Tour, many of us are older. We will never again be at our best, but that is OK, for we will be THE BEST WE GOT. And that will be good enough.

That, is the premise of IKI Krav Maga, not your ordinary Krav Maga. With regular Krav Maga, that is true, your best is long behind you, and you will never achieve that again, so just deal with that. With us, our system is designed for you, as you are now, with the body you have now, and that will save you. You may not be 18 and ready to be an IDF military recruit, you may not be at your best, but for IKI Krav Maga, the best you got, is all you need, and we will take it from there. 

We have designed our system in such a way that you don't need the greatest athletic coordination, you don't need to be at your best, but  what you got now is more than enough to take care of your problems.

That line resonated with me, yes, that is what this tour is all about. To take people of all ages, all backgrounds, the young and less young. Those with full heads of hair and those balding or with grey hair. The fit and the unfit, and take "what we got" and make it work so that no man, or woman, shall walk in fear. 

My elbow is hurting now, and so I will stop writing. I am not at my best, but I will use the best I've got to get the job done. The body may age but the spirit grows strong with the years. 


Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

Understand the Israeli Fighting Mentality - Israel a Nation of Warriors by Moshe Katz


What is the cultural background of Krav Maga?  What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?

What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?

What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?

How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?

All that and more in this unique book.

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