Talent Dedication Success

August 15, 2024, Israel


I kept track of every lesson so I would not be able to fool myself into thinking that I came more than I actually did. Honesty in life. and in training. 

I have been teaching martial arts for a long time, and before that I was a student, for a long time. I have been involved in the martial arts for many decades, in several countries and in many different styles. I have trained in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, American, Russian, Indonesian, Brazilian and of course Israeli martial arts. I have seen many different kinds of students, young, old, fit, not so fit, handicapped, gifted. I have trained with police, Olympic athletes, Special Forces, commandoes and so forth. My point? I am experienced in training and in teaching and therefore in a position to offer a little bit of insight to new students, just beginning their journey in the martial arts.

It is easy to quit, it is easy to give up. The point of my blog is to encourage the beginners not to give up, and to encourage teachers not to give up on their students. 

What is the key to success? What is the most important factor in achieving our goals?

My answer is simple, in a word - Dedication. or commitment, or simply, don't give up. 

The vast majority of people who began any activity in this life, fail. They fail to learn a musical instrument. How many do you know who once started playing the guitar? They fail to learn a foreign language. Again, we all have friends who took up a foreign language only to quit. And of course, martial arts. 

The "secret" as I said, is do not quit. But, easier said than done. 

Now what if you are not very talented, not very coordinated, but another fellow is. You watch him, he learns the techniques quickly, he just seems to pick up so fast, surely he will succeed. Not so. It is like the old story of the rabbit and the tortoise. My experience is that the talented do not last very long, but the dedicated ones are the winners in the end.


The talented student picks up the techniques quickly. He is doing joint locks, disarms, gun techniques and flying jump kicks. He is so talented. But it comes too easy, soon he is bored, he is not challenged, perhaps it is no longer interesting. I have seen them come, and I have seen them go. They tend not to last. Of course, some do, and they can become great masters, but usually it is a different category of student who succeeds. I have seen them as well.

This is the awkward student. He is unsure of himself at first, his steps are hesitant, and his initial progress is slow. If not encouraged properly, he can easily become discouraged and ...quit forever. This will be added to the growing list of "things I started but never had a chance to complete, along with playing the violin, learning French and learning Tibetan chants". 

But this student has great potential. He will learn the moves slowly, he will practice them again and again, and then some more. He will attend as many classes as he can. He will keep track of his progress. He will gradually improve. and then one day, suddenly, as if out of the blue, he will discover that his kicks have power, his blocks are effective, his disarms flow naturally. And people will say, "Man, you are so talented, you are so gifted." and you can smile and laugh to yourself. 

I recall when Sensei Romero asked me if I would be purchasing the new Oyama T shirt. I said I did not feel worthy yet to publicly represent the school. I had been training hard for 8 weeks but I had not yet achieved much. I will never forget his words, "Moshe, You are a fine representation of this school". He was referring to my dedication, not my talent. Dedication is the winner in the long run. I am proof of that.

Knowing that there will be difficulties, knowing that at times progress will be slow, will help you prepare for those periods and not lose hope. Just because you have reached a plateau and have not progress for a while is no reason for despair. Knowing this in advance will help you the student, and you the teacher. Remember this life is an obstacle course.

The Hurdle of Life


Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

Understand the Israeli Fighting Mentality - Israel a Nation of Warriors by Moshe Katz


What is the cultural background of Krav Maga?  What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?

What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?

What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?

How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?

All that and more in this unique book.

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