March 17, 2025, Israel
They say that public speaking is rated as people's number one fear in life, and death is rated second. Comedian and Arthur Cohen Karate student Jerry Seinfeld said, That means if you are at a funeral, you would rather be the guy in the box then the guy asked to say a few words.
Perhaps so.
I was born a poor black child, actually no, that is a line from a Steve Martin movie, "The Jerk", but I was most certainly a very shy child. When my parents had guests over, I would hide in my room. I am actually an introvert. But life forced me to take a different stand and at a certain point, when my older brother left home, I decided I had to stand up and be noticed. Such is life. Today I can walk into a room, and without any notes, and in several languages, and on a wide variety of topics, and to an audience of any size, I can speak, and I know it will be great. I am empowered.
But there is a point here, and it is not arrogance. I want to describe how it feels when you know you can handle any situation. I want you to know that feeling of walking into a room, walking to the podium, or being interviewed for radio or TV, and just feeling that no matter what happens, you can handle this. That is what I want you to feel.
Now let us contrast that with another feeling. You bribed your way into getting a degree. You bought a degree in, say...Criminology, or Terrorist Psychology, whatever, but you did not really earn it. You had "connections", by hook or by crook you got that degree, or that job, or that position, or... that rank in Krav Maga, but you know deep down that you are a fraud. Perhaps you even managed to lie to yourself, but really, you are not the real deal, and now...
the moment of truth arrives!
Now you are called upon to do something. I am reminded of the scene in the TV show Seinfeld, where George, in order to impress his date, pretends to be a Marine Biologist, and by some strange coincidence finds himself with this date at the beach where a whale is in need of urgent help. The fraud can now be exposed, the truth comes out and one is at risk of being seen in their true light, the whole thing was a facade, a lie, the little man pretending to be the great Wizzard of Oz.
Our goal with IKI Krav Maga is to empower you with real tools. Many martial arts advertise that their training will empower you, or your child, and this may be true, but the question is - is this real empowerment or a false sense of confidence? Can you really walk into a room and give a lecture in front of a thousand people, or are you just pretending to be a professor of history? Is this a facade or reality? Is your empowerment nothing more than a checkbook from an empty bank account, or do those checks represent real buying power?
These are difficult questions, and even more difficult answers. At some point we need to be honest with ourselves, can we really do it? Or is it all just an act to fool others and impress ourselves.
A real feeling of empowerment, based on skills and experience, is a great way to go through life, but a fake empowerment, based on tricks, lights and mirrors, must be a horrible way to live. I have had people try to fenagle (obtain by dishonest or devious means) ranks out of me, they show up with a folder full of fancy martial arts diplomas and based on this want an "equivalent" rank in IKI Krav Maga, as this is their tried and proven method of collecting ranks and certificates, which help them get jobs that they don't deserve.
Let's keep it real, and real...feels real good! Join us (see below for details) and I will guide you to your true ranks, the fulfilment of your dreams, a better life.
Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.
What is the cultural background of Krav Maga? What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?
What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?
What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?
How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?
All that and more in this unique book.
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