February 26, 2025, Israel
I just returned home from a month of Krav Maga seminars abroad a few short hours ago, and it was soon time for class. I had a lesson plan worked out, and I was looking forward to it. A few minutes before class was about to begin the door opens and a young man walks in, I had never seen him before. "Can I help you?" I asked, not knowing what he was looking for. He was sent here by the son of one of our instructors. This son, Yehuda, saw this young man in a store looking to purchase some pepper spray, he saw that he looked pretty beat up, and inquired. Such are we, always trying to help each other out. When Yehuda learned of the circumstances that lead to the beat-up scratched face look, he advised the young man to contact our school. A few hours later he was in our class.
I asked the new student to describe the details of the attack, we went through it step by step. The class plan now changed to studying this case, finding the appropriate defense and teaching. We filmed all of this for our online students around the world.
This particular case was new to me. With all the attacks I have studied, I had never seen one quite like this. We are always learning. There were similarities and we could successfully apply the IKI concepts, and yet, it was different. What I wish to write about today is what we can learn from this young man's reaction.
He is 19 years old, tall and muscular with an athletes' build, what they call "a strapping young man". The events leading up to the attack were as follows; in his school there was an informal wrestling match, a challenge match. One fighter, strong and aggressive, had successfully defeated all the others in succession until he faced this young man who was now in our school, here he met his match. The soon to be Krav Maga student defeated the Champion decisively. The losing champ was furious, deeply offended, and demanded a rematch, but our guy said no, and left. Later on, the defeated champ came knocking on his door, saying they "needed to talk.". While talking the fallen champ surprised the young man with a hook punch to the head. The young man was startled and shaken. Next the fallen champ jumped on him and took him to the ground. On the ground he showered him with punches. By the end of the fight the soon to be Krav Maga student was free, but with some serious damage. He walked into our school covered in bandages and scratches, as well as a broken finger. I admire him for coming to class under these conditions, he advised me that he needed to be careful.
We redesigned the class to cover his situation. Now here is the point of this blog, his perspective. We simply applied the IKI Krav Maga principles to this situation, as we always do, and it worked. He looked at this with eyes that seemed they had seen a magic show, to him it was like Magic. He could not believe how effective this all was, he could not believe how simple it all was, "If only I had known this a few days ago". Now he truly wanted a rematch.
For us, the regulars, students and instructors who have been training for years, it becomes a bit routine but to see the light in this young mans' eyes, to see that wonderous look, the amazement, that teaches us something about what we are doing. Yes, to a newcomer it seems like magic, almost too good to be true, a simple system that actually works. To see his perspective reminded us of how important this work is, how it can take a man from being a victim to being a "not victim". We are empowering people; we are teaching people to fight back. He had won a fight, a sports competition, but then he lost a real fight, now it was time to learn some real Krav Maga.
To see a man coming in the door covered with bandages and scratches, and walking out feeling, "I can handle this if it ever happens again!" is an incredible feeling, and an incredible opportunity and responsibility.
Let's reach as many people as possible.
Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.
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What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?
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