Iki krav maga instructors Germany

Jürgen Köhler 
jurgen kohler, konigsbach 

Jurgen is one of the top instructors in Europe and has been recognized over the years by many martial arts associations. I have known him and trained with him since 2010. He attends and hosts as many seminars as possible with me all over the world. He has led several delegations of German students to Israel for our Tour and Train program.

He is a leader.

On May 15, 2022 Jurgen was promoted to 4th dan Black Belt in IKI Krav Maga.

In June 2017 Jurgen was promoted to 3rd dan black belt and Full Instructor

Jurgen also holds the following ranks;

6th degree Black Belt Taekwon-Do

3rd degree Black Belt Hapkido 

2nd degree Black Belt Anti Terror Street fight 

Tonfa/MES - Instructor 

Police Baton / Telescopic baton Instructor 


Medal of Honor and Respect, Top Instructor Award 2009

Mr. Martial Arts 2009 category "Spectacular Breaking" 

Twice inducted in International Martial Arts Hall of Fame

Jurgen Kohler website

Juergen Krav Site

Nadine Bott, Assistant Instructor

9 Years Krav Maga experience

  • Krav Maga / IKI  since 2010
  • Taekwon-Do Blue Belt
  • Anti Terror Street-fight orange Belt

Steph s., Heidelberg

Stephan works worldwide in field of Executive Protection and offers private Training worldwide. He is a third dan black belt and associate instructor. Stephan regularly attends IKI Krav Maga seminars all over the world and trains with IKI in Israel on a regular basis. Among other things he participated in the first Tour & Train 2010 in Israel.

Stephan holds the rank of Full Instructor and 3rd dan black belt. 

You can reach Stephan at the following e-mail: KravMaga-Combatives@web.de

Lars Gerhard Kuehn

Apprentice Instructor

 Hubert Amann

Associate Instructor

Hubert earned his IKI Krav Maga black belt in Israel on June 23, 2019 after many years of training. 

Sven Schneider

Full Instructor, 3rd dan Black Belt

Sven comes to IKI with a solid background in martial arts including ranks in Kanjukenbo and Wing Chun.

Sebastian Kellner

Assistant Instructor

Associate Instructor

Address: Prof.- Wagenfeld - Ring 9

2000: beginning of sports career

2003-2005: German league titles and a runner-up title

2006: 1 Dan examination Tae Kuk Mu Sul Hapkido / counterterrorism Street Fight
at the MAA

2007: 1 Dan examination in Kung FU

2012: Shot Sword Of Freedom

2013: Hall of Honour / Hall of Fame

2014: Hall of Honour

2014: Basic Instructor on the MAA

2015: 2 Dan examination in Kung Fu

2015: Inclusion in the IKI association and Apprentice Instructor

Sebastian ist der Schuleiter der Kampfsportschule Kellner. Er trainiert mit mir seit 2015 und besuchte seither mehrere Seminare mit mir in Königsbach.

Er ist 2019 bereits zum zweiten Mal in das IKI Team Germany aufgenommen worden um bei Tour and Train in Israel teilzunehmen.

Sebastian ist Associate Instructor (Level 3)

Andy Beck

Full Instructor, 3rd dan Black Belt

René Bauer, Apprentice Instructor

Joram Wemyss, Apprentice Instructor

Michael Kruse, Apprentice Instructor

Markus Schmidt, Apprentice Institutor

Diana Arndt, Assistant Instructor

Diana ist die stellvertretende Instruktorin in der Kampfsportschule Kellner in Weißwasser. Sie besucht regelmäßig die Seminare mit Moshe Katz in Königsbach und ist seit Oktober 2018 IKI Assistant Instructor (Level 2).

Zusätzlich wurde Diana zur offiziellen „Art-Designerin“ für das IKI Team Germany unter der Leitung von J. Köhler ernannt.


Vera Muller, Apprentice Instructor 

Stefanie BraunAssistant Instructor 

Roland Kennel, Associate Instructor (May 2022), Worms

Michael Flohr Assistant Instructor (October 2022)

Michael Flohr website


Dirk OefeleAssociate Instructor (October 2022)

Andreas Koch, Apprentice Instructor, (October 2018)

Jens SchreiberApprentice Instructor, (October 2018)

Marcel KrautzApprentice Instructor, (October 2018)

Beate Brandt, Assistant Instructor (October 2023)

Jörg Siegwarth, Flensburg

Jörg has his own training-facility in Harrislee, close to Flensburg called „Die Kraftanlage“.

He is focusing on self defense for the average person. He is teaching self-defense only in small groups up to 10 people.

Jörg holds a 2.DAN Blackbelt and is a Full Instructor at IKI.

You can contact him via his blog or website



Nik Prostka, Apprentice Instructor

assists Jorg Siegworth in Flensburg


Tobias Flitsch, Apprentice Instructor,  Geislingen

Carlo WolfApprentice Instructor,

Dirk Bester, Apprentice Instructor

Toto Steubesand, Kiel


Luca Wohlers, Apprentice Instructor, March 202


Torsten Irmler, Apprentice Instructor

Dwaine Thomas, Associate Instructor, Ramstein, Kaiserslautern


Henning Wulf, Apprentice Instructor


Christian Selig, Apprentice Instructor



Tino Detzel, Apprentice Instructor


Ivan Sunjo, Apprentice Instructor


Sebastian Neumann, Apprentice Instructor