Do you really want to change 

November 15, 2020, Israel 

Women training in IKI Krav Maga, Calgary, Canada, seminar with Moshe Katz

Things look different in the morning. This is an honest blog. With IKI Krav Maga we are brutally honest and open, nothing else will work. 

Things look different in the morning. The day before you had a great idea; a new business, perhaps a new relationship, perhaps you were going to move to Italy for a year and learn Italian! And then you wake up in the morning and think, what the hell was I thinking?

In the morning everything looks different. The truth is most people do not want to change. Well they do, but they don't. Change involves too much, change. Our nature is we are reluctant to change, we want to stay where we are comfortable even if we are not so happy. 

This is usually not a logical process, it is deeper, more visceral, it just happens. What felt great last night just does not feel right in the morning. Decisions reached yesterday are seriously questioned today, and as a result we don't change, we stay as we are.

And this is unfortunate. 

Many discussions end with; yes, I know you are correct, but....I will wait on this. 

What we are saying is that we don't have the courage to make the necessary changes in our lives, in any field. We will stay with a situation that does not satisfy us because we lack the Get Up and Go to make the change in our lives. 

This can be something as "minor" as putting in a new kitchen. You make a decision but the next day...nay, too much money, I don't want to deal with the mess, the construction, let's put it off. 

And so it is with Krav Maga. Every day we hear of crime, rape, violence against women. Some will protest against the police or the prime minister, as if it is their fault, others will seek to "raise awareness", as if we don't all know about this problem, but very few will take the few steps in takes to begin to learn self-defense. 

Yes, the change is you, you can do it, but let's face it, it is easier not to change. 

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