February 11, 2025, Somewhere across the Universe
On a flight, I feel privileged to do what I love, teaching Krav Maga, and Jewish ethics, and spreading the truth. I am an entertainer, a teacher, a coach, this is what I was born to do. I am somewhere over the universe and the soundtrack is planning, there is a darkness on the edge of town, and it makes me wonder, it does.
There is a Darkness, capital D, but we push it off, to the edge of town. It lurks besides us, but the Evil is not always visible in daylight, it is on the edge, hiding, waiting, and then it erupts, it takes over American campuses and the streets of London and Paris, it takes over administrative buildings while the "presidents" of these so called institutions of higher learning quicker in fear, unable to do the job for which they were appointed. They are mere figureheads, not having truly earned their positions, but simply appointed like a queen, for ceremonial purposes, to show the "enlightenment" of the institution of lower learning.
Those who speak of Darkness, those who speak the Truth, are shunned. I was 17 years old when Rabbi Meir Kahane of blessed memory, came to speak at our campus, he had a warning, the Arabs would rise up, they would forget the "Uncle Tom" mentality of the current generation, they would forget the humiliating defeat of the Arab world in 6 days in 1967, they would be brazen, and, I recall the exact words, "Jewish blood will flow in the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem".
Some mocked him, others feared him, he was banned from running for office, and he was banned from speaking at our campus. Today we know that everything, and I mean everything that he predicted has come true. He himself was gunned down, murdered, by an Arab in New York City. The killer was never convicted but later on joined the forces that defeated the USA on 9/11. Such is life when you allow murder.
If you cannot face the Darkness, Hello Darkness my old friend, then you try and ban it. Sadly, this delusional behavior does not work, the Darkness will move from the edge of town to Downtown and explode in your face. Evil walks behind you, Evil sleeps beside you.
In my life I have chosen to face the darkness, and do something about it. I have trained in various martial arts and self-defense systems for over 40 years, I have studied crime, and experienced some, and I have put all my lessons in our system, IKI Krav Maga. We do not fear the Darkness.
You can ban the truth, for a while, that is what the author wrote about in "1984", that will keep some people down, don't be one of those people. Open your eyes, face the truth, face your fears, see the "Hitler waiting in the wings", you can face the Darkness now, or later. There is a darkness on the edge of town, just waiting...
Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.
What is the cultural background of Krav Maga? What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?
What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?
What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?
How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?
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