Back Where We Started From

August 22, 2024, Troy, Ohio

Having breakfast, coffee, at my regular hotel in Troy, Ohio. I love this place, it just feels right, easy, nice, reliable, always the same. And while each visit I am a little bit older, the music here remains the same, as if it were planned to make me feel young again. The music is the same and time stands still. There is hardly a song that I do not recognize as these are the songs of my youth, high school and college. It is pleasant and I enjoy the coffee and my American style breakfast. 

Another song comes on...dates back to the mid 1970's, if I am not mistaken, high school years, New York, following the Red Sox, studying hard, of course my parents were still alive and well, and we all lived together. Today things are different. I am much older, the family is scattered, and my parents have moved on to another realm of being, beyond this life. And the music plays...and it is forever young...

Ooh, and it's alright and it's coming along|
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where started from

and it makes me think, right back to where we started from, in fact I am not far from where I started from, physically, I was born just a few hours away from here, this is my home state of Ohio. So in a way, I am "right back where I started from". and I think, what have I accomplished in all these years? What have I done with these years besides grow old and grey? I am right back where I started from, so many years ago, so many lifetimes ago, but what have I done with that time? 

In Judaism we say that we should leave this world in a state of credit, i.e. we put more into our account than we withdrew, more deposits than withdrawals. We are owed rather than in debt. We leave this world a slightly better place, we produced more than garbage and waste, we produced something of value.

I have tried to do that, in many aspects of life. I have worked on developing what I believe is a better form of self-defense, one that has already proven itself all over the world, with all due modesty. I have shared my life experience and wisdom and the wisdom passed down to me via my teachers, parents and elders, and published them in 15 volumes, I have contributed to education, synagogues, and the well-being of people all over the world, I hope I have contributed something to mankind.

Being back where I "started from" makes me think and take stock of my life. I hope I have done well, but it is not over yet...

and the song plays on...

A love like ours 
Can never fade away
You know it's only just begun

And this makes me think, it reminds know it's only just begun. The spirit is still young though the knee hurts and the back aches and the fingers are bent...never fade away, you know its' only just begun.

And there is still so much to do. It's coming on, just like the beginning, the spirit is strong and there is much more to do. We see obstacles, we face obstacles, and we move ahead. I have seen students become IKI Krav Maga instructors in the 60's and 70's, its OK, its right and good, we have the attitude of "it's only just begun", Whatever years God grants us we must use for the best. 

And soon more training will begin, we gotta get right back to where we started from, the basics, the foundations, new students, advanced students. It's coming on....


Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

Understand the Israeli Fighting Mentality - Israel a Nation of Warriors by Moshe Katz


What is the cultural background of Krav Maga?  What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?

What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?

What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?

How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?

All that and more in this unique book.

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