Ask Me Krav Maga

January 5, 2024, Israel

אמר להו רבא לרב פפא ולרב הונא בריה דרב יהושע כי אתי פסקא דדינא דידי לקמייכו וחזיתו ביה פירכא לא תקרעוהו עד דאתיתו לקמאי אי אית לי טעמא אמינא לכו ואי לא הדרנא בי לאחר מיתה לא מיקרע תקרעוהו ומגמר נמי לא תגמרו מיניה לא מיקרע תקרעיניה דאי הואי התם דלמא הוה אמינא לכו טעמא

:בבא בתרא קל

"Rava said to Rabbi Papa and to Rabbi Huna the son of Rabbi Yehoshua, 'When a legal decision of mine comes before you, in a written form, and you see some objection to it, (something that you don't agree with, don't understand) do not tear it up before you have seen me. If I have a valid reason for my decision, I will tell you, and if not, I will withdraw. After my death you shall neither tear it up nor infer any new law from it. 'You shall neither tear it up' since had I been there, it is possible that I might have told you the reason." (Talmud, Tractate Bava Bathra, page 130 side B)

When I was moving up the ranks, training with Itay Gil in Jerusalem and attending seminars whenever possible, I was thirsty for knowledge. This is long before mobile cell phones. I did not have the luxury of a movie camera, but I wanted to remember the techniques as best as possible. I would either grab a napkin or sometimes bring some paper and quickly sketch a drawing of the technique. When I came home it was a challenge to deciper my quick drawings. Today we have videos on our phones and this makes training easier. 

With IKI our members receive a video every day! In the past if you wanted to train with a master you would have to journey to Okinawa, China or Japan. Today you can just purchase a DVD or watch a video online, and is not the same thing. I have often written that in my opinion the best solution is a combination of the two, in person training and videos. 

Why both? The video is a great way to review. In class the teacher shows it once or twice, you see it, you think you got it, but then you practice with your partner, and ...well, OK. You might get lucky, and the instructor will come over and help you out, but this is not a private lesson, he does not have the time to spend with you to make it perfect. And then, later on, you just can't remember exactly how it went, and either you do it wrong, or you just drop it. The video gives you a chance to review it, again and again, break it down, watch it step by step, freeze frame. You can't get that in class. 

And yet, the video is not always enough. We all learn in different ways, some people need more time, more hands-on attention. But here is the point of my blog, often in my experience, there might be a student, far away, say in Australia, and he just can't understand the point of the technique. He will judge it, deem it lacking and either change it, modify it, or dump it. Conclusion: Moshe does not understand self-defense properly, we know better than him. When I try to explain, verbally online via e mail, "Moshe is getting defensive!" 

I came across this passage above, (start of blog) in the Talmud, it is written in Aramaic, (in Hebrew lettering), it is a statement from a man known simply as Rava, he lived in Babylon from the year 278 to the year 352 and was a great Talmudic scholar. The message was addressed to his students. This hit home for me. In those days rabbis gave legal decisions and send them all over the Jewish world. Often there was only the written word, but sometimes, as this passage suggests, the written word was not fully understood, and thus, confusion arose. Rava is warning his students, do not tear up my legal decisions until you have spoken to me in person!! For perhaps I have a reason which is not yet apparent to you, give me the opportunity to explain this, in person. If I am wrong, I will withdraw my decision.

I would like to repeat this message to my students all over the world, the video is a great tool. I send out our videos with detailed written explanations, I also often include photos that break down the technique step by step. But if it does not make sense to you, do not assume that I am mistaken, give me an opportunity to explain and demonstrate in person, and if I am wrong, I will withdraw. 

Once again, some wisdom and inspiration from the rabbis of the Talmud. What other Krav Maga association offers this?


Moshe Katz, training continuously for nearly 4 decades, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

Understand the Israeli Fighting Mentality - Israel a Nation of Warriors by Moshe Katz


What is the cultural background of Krav Maga?  What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?

What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?

What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?

How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?

All that and more in this unique book.

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