Apologies and Excuses
By Moshe Katz
Israeli Krav International

March 8, 2018, Israel

There are people who are masters at apologies and excuses. There is a reason for this: They have gained a great deal of practice. Like any master they have honed their skills over many years and have practiced it often. Like a good speaker or actor they have learned the correct nuances of speech; the written and spoken word. They know how to use their bodies and facial expressions, they are masters in every sense of the word. 

They are masters at deception. For one who uses apologies and excuses does so as a way of gaining control over others, getting out of their responsibilities and avoiding real work.   A true master will never have to work, there will always be someone willing to do it for him. 

These masters have the ability to avoid any responsibility. Not only will they manage to avoid paying their fare share or making a contribution but they will leave you feeling sorry for them. 

I recall parents coming in to see me, sitting at this very desk that I am writing at now. (Yes, same desk for 30 years, a folding table my brother gave me, the Israeli government gave it to him as part of his immigration package.) And these parents would tell the most heart wrenching stories why they could not pay me the dues which they had agreed to pay when they signed up their kids for this elective martial arts program. 

By the time they left not only that I received no payment but I felt a strong urge to donate money to their cause. Yes, they are true masters and they have mastered their art, but lets' call it what it is - Deception and Fraud.

True respect begins by paying your dues, your debts and keeping your word. Calling someone Master, Lord, whatever means nothing when they is part of the deception and fraud. Respect begins with paying what you owe. 

When my dear father passed away the house was filled with guests who came to comfort us for the seven day period. There was the chief rabbi, the mayor of our town and many important people. But the people who had the most impact on us where the plumbers, the electricians, the waiters at the local coffee house, the car mechanics. They spoke of my father's old fashioned honesty, how a worker never walked out the door without cash in his hand. My father would say "Count it" so that the person would know without any doubt that he was paid in full, so he could be at peace. That my friends is true respect. That my friends is true religion. 

Pay a man his due, keep your word, pay your bills on time, and the rest is commentary.