Airport Encounters Support

August 30, 2024, Atlanta - Los Angeles

As someone who stands out as being very obviously Jewish, I am often warned by friends to be careful while traveling abroad. Certainly these days as the current form of antisemitism (Jew hatred) takes the form of being anti - Israel anyone looking Jewish or Israeli can be targeted. People speak of the rise or increase in antisemitism/anti-Israel/Jew hatred, but I don't see it that way; it is always there. Those who choose blindness do not see it, they think it has died, or gone away, but the open-minded among us know that it never dies, and it never goes away. It only hides itself and then reappears as the political, social, economic conditions permit. Jew hatred is always there but sometimes, during good times, it hides its ugly head but it is biding its time and waiting, waiting for the right moment to remerge, like a groundhog after winter.

That time is now. 

I choose not to be afraid and I carry my Jewish appearance with pride. Bring it on, I am not afraid. But rather than encountering Jew hatred, I encounter the opposite, the direct opposite; unconditional love and support. 

Certainly I feel it from our IKI Krav Maga students. But it also comes from random strangers at airports. I was boarding my Delta flight to LAX and was greeted by the flight attendants, as is standard. There were two women, one black and one white. The white woman asked what the writing on my T shirt was, I responded - Krav Maga - Israeli self-defense. She became very enthusiastic and said that her son had trained in Krav Maga and enjoyed it very much. She was very supportive of him. The black women then joined in and with a very sincere look said that her church was praying for us in Israel and that they all stood with us in our struggle against the evil Hamas. The white flight attendant, Regina, joined in that she too was praying for us. They both held their hands on their hearts and wished me well. They knew what I, and all of us in Israel, face. They knew what I was going home to after my visit in Los Angeles. 

Their care and concern were genuine, and I could feel it. Throughout my trip I have been experiencing this at airports and wherever I have been going. While the current US government and a certain candidate are clearly opposed to Israel and even "reconsidering the nature of the USA relationship" with Israel, I feel the people are with us. Their voice must be heard. I want my friends and readers to know this, the people of America that I have met stand with us, pray for Israel and stand against evil.

The long flight ended and I got up to leave the aircraft. A large muscular man was sitting directly in front of me, in row 1. As he saw me, he said, "I am in 6 year US Marine veteran, I have worked with many Israelis, you are good people, we stand with you. Stay strong."

Again, this meant a great deal to me. 

Clearly there is hatred all around us, that has and will always be the case, we must be strong, but to see such support, all over the USA, is indeed uplifting. We must never forget this, and we must always be grateful. 

I stand out as being Jewish, I am warned that this is risky, but all over the world people gravitate towards me, Jews and non-Jews. The Jews, who lack any visible signs of Jewishness, come up to me and proudly whisper, I too am a Jew! The non-Jews walk up to express their support and admiration, and concern.

Stand up and be proud. Stand up for what you believe in. Never back down. 


Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

Understand the Israeli Fighting Mentality - Israel a Nation of Warriors by Moshe Katz


What is the cultural background of Krav Maga?  What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?

What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?

What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?

How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?

All that and more in this unique book.

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