April 24, 2017, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands
Airline hostage training seminar, IKI Krav Maga; there should be thousands of people wishing to attend such training. (Edwin, photo by Rico K.)
Imagine if you booked a flight and then when you receive your ticket it comes with an attachment. You open the attachment, and it is your invitation to the preflight Krav Maga/Safety course.
Of course! You want to drive a car - you will take a driving course. You want to move to another country - you take a citizenship course (and thus become a legal immigrant). You want to board a plane and share the flight with other passengers - you will take a course.
Welcome to your Krav Maga/Safety course, a test will be given at the end of the course. Only those who pass may travel with our airline. Any passenger who does not meet our requirements will be removed from the flight. (Yes, we have that right.)
This course will include some basic requirements that you must know:
You may not enter the plane smelly.
You may not enter the plane stinking of cigarette smoke, (which includes clothing that smells of cigarettes).
You may not board the flight drunk or stinking of alcohol.
You may NOT bring your hot and spicy food on board. No, it is a confined space, and we do not all have to take in that smell for the next few hours. Eat before you board!
You must learn how to control your children. Just because you are used to their never-ending screaming and fighting does not mean the rest of us enjoy it.
You must not bring backpacks that will bang into other people every time you turn. (As it is not part of your body you will not be aware that you are hitting and scratching other passengers.)
You must wear clothing that is appropriate for the flight and for a possible evacuation. Thus, do not come on board in your pajamas. Do not wear flip flops, Crocs, or high heels. Wear long pants that are somewhat flame resistant. Time to wear your big boy pants.
And now we begin your actual training. You will need to learn to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
You will learn
How to spot a terrorist at the airport, what signs to look for.
Situational awareness at the airport, at the boarding gate, on the plane.
How to notice things that are out of place, or people that are out of place.
How to fight in confined spaces.
How to disarm a gunman on the plane.
How to deal with handguns, long guns and multiple terrorists.
How to defend against a knife attack or a knife threat on the plane.
How to work as a team with people whom you have never met.
So yes, of course no such course is required to board a plane these days, unfortunately, but imagine, just imagine, if every passenger was trained this way. Imagine how safe and secure the flight would be. But no, only a handful of people bother to train in Krav Maga. The rest, well, they are part of the problem. They are the ones who when the trouble comes, they will shout, scream, cry, faint, and just get in our way. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Our group training in the Netherlands, IKI instructor Harold van der Rijst, after completing a course in airline/airport training.
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