After After Concept

August 14, 2024, Israel


I have lived a fairly long time. In the pages of these blogs, I try to pass on the wisdom my teachers have bestowed upon me, rabbis, teachers, martial arts instructors, and life itself. Sometimes it was an actual lesson, other times it was an off-hand remark, sometimes the lesson was silent, but one learns to listen. Sometimes the lesson was more in what was not said, or not done. Sometimes the lesson is life experience. 

I woke up this morning at 5 am, as is my routine. Last night as we concluded the services for the day of mourning for the Temple in Jerusalem, Tisha B' Av, I felt inspired and was looking forward to returning to the synagogue, the house of prayer, this morning. But I did not sleep well last night, as it is written, that night sleep escaped the king; so he ordered the Book of Records, the Chronicles, to be brought in and read to him. (Scroll of Esther, Chapter 6) and this morning, when the alarm went off at 5 am, I was reluctant to get out of bed, but I did, and I went to the synagogue. Now I am home with my cup of coffee and writing to you.

This reminds me of my days living in Brooklyn, New York, USA, and then too I would wake up very early, go to the little synagogue across the street, and then to the Oyama dojo in Manhattan. I recall being very reluctant to get out of bed, my body cried, Stay in bed, just a little bit longer, but my soul shouted louder - Get out of bed if you want to be a black belt!

I would drag myself to the F train, get to the dojo, complete the training and be off to work, and I felt great. On the days when I gave in to the temptation of extra sleep, I felt terrible. I felt ashamed and sad the entire day. This is the After After effect.

After a workout, or an inspirational visit to the House of Worship, we want more, we want to return as soon as possible. But then the effect wears off and we become lethargic, or lazy. When it is time to go again, well, not so much...not really able to move that body of ours, and so we push it off, and before you know it your dreams have slipped away. That spiritual feeling is gone, your goal of achieving a black belt, gone to sleep. 

After - right after the class we are inspired, we vow to do more. I will be back at the next lesson, you tell your teacher, that is the first "After" effect. 

The second "After" effect, is when you initially are reluctant to return to class, but then you push yourself, you drive yourself forward, you move that lazy body of yours, and then you make it through the class, that "After" effect is amazing! You did it, you overcame those lazy urges, that urge to give up, and you went to class. Now you feel super, and you are one step closer to your goal. You did not let yourself down, you did not disapoint others. 

When we are lying in bed, feeling glued to that mattress and feeling so tired, it is difficult to be inspired. That is the time to remember the After effect; How will I feel if I stay in bed? How will I feel if I get out of bed and do what I really want to do?

I am currently feeling my After effect, I went to the synagogue, I played my part, I helped others, I was part of a community. And I can just as easily feel myself walking down the steps of the old dojo in Manhattan, feeling elated that I did it again. Make a right turn towards my job on 23rd street, going to treat myself to an Orange Juilous. The years pass, the feeling remains. Just Do it!


The Oyama dojo was on the second floor, up a long flight of steps. Many mornings I would wait outside in the cold for the Japanese Ochi Deshi students to come open the door. After the class or classes, I would make a right and walk to work. This was on 4th street, an area known as The Village.


Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

Understand the Israeli Fighting Mentality - Israel a Nation of Warriors by Moshe Katz


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What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?

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