A Still Small Voice Krav Maga

July 20, 2024, Israel

The Bible warns us about many things. There are many who no longer believe in the Bible, no longer follow its guidelines and no longer see it as relevant in their lives. There are many who no longer believe in the values embodied in the Bible, and there are many who no longer believe in a greater force, in a Divine power. 

So be it.  The truth has a way of surviving. 

But even to those who reject these age-old traditions, who claim to be open to new ideas, well, if they are truly open then they should also be open to old lessons, which are very much relevant to our lives today.  Today I will focus on just one small lesson and a still small voice

Today in the synagoge we read a section from the Book of Kings, part One, about the prophet Eliyahu (Elijah), and his struggles against the evil king and queen. 

But now to Krav Maga. 

The Bible warns us against bad Krav Maga systems and instructors. Really? How so?

Oh yes, quite clearly. Again and again throughout the Bible we are warned: we are warned to be careful about false rumors, we are warned against worshiping Idols, such as legendary Imaginary alleged "founders". We are warned against accepting any mans' vision without proof. We are warned to challenge witnesses in court. We are warned to select our judges very carefully and avoid anyone who is suspected of taking bribes or not being impartial. We are warned against false prophets who claim to speak in the name of God and truth. We are warned not to follow the dictates of our hearts. We are warned not to follow the temptations of our eyes and our stomachs. We are warned! 

We are warned not to be impressed by size or bravado. Young David was the smallest boy in his family. The prophet Samuel came to anoint him as king of Israel, but his own father dismissed him as... a boy, fair skinned and ruddy, small, he takes care of the sheep, I have larger sons, true warriors! But the prophet Samuel said God sees through the heart while man sees with his eyes. 

Pay attention!

We are warned, repeatedly, not to follow the falsehoods of life, not to follow the easy path, not to follow temptations and glitter, not to let gold cloud our vision. 

and it is the same with Krav Maga instructors!

We should avoid the lure of the Flash and Trash, we are not here to impress, we are here to fight to survive. Not all that glitters is gold and a fool and his money are quickly separated. 

The Bible warns us to avoid False Teachers, to seek the truth no matter how challenging that is, to not follow the temptations of our eyes (great looking body builder instructors/fitness models, that is why I don't use those or allow those on my flyers!).

And there is a message from the great prophet Elijah...The book of Kings 1. 

"..and he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and the after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake, and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. And when Eliyahu heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out...

(Book of Kings One, Chapter 19, verse 11-12)

God does not need a big display, a show, a dramatic entrance, those are false, and that is not where the true message lies, but in the still small voice, the coach Mikey whispering to Rocky and guiding him, Yip Man teaching Bruce Lee, no drama.

The Lord was not in the Big Noise, not in the Fire, the thunder, the Earthquake, the Wind, but rather in the still small voice. And if you listen very well, the song will come to you at last, to be a rock and not to roll.

Listen carefully, for the still small voice, that is where you will find the truth. 


Moshe Katz, 7th dan Black Belt, Israeli Krav Maga. Certified by Wingate Institute. Member Black Belt hall of fame, USA and Europe.

Understand the Israeli Fighting Mentality - Israel a Nation of Warriors by Moshe Katz


What is the cultural background of Krav Maga?  What makes it unique? What makes the Israeli military so effective? Why are Israeli security systems used all over the world?

What are the Biblical origins of Krav Maga and who was the first Krav Maga instructor?

What weapons and military strategies did our Biblical ancestors use?

How has Krav Maga developed in Israel and what are its goals?

All that and more in this unique book.

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