Krav MagA Israel training camp

 Israeli Krav International (IKI) offers an intensive but user friendly Krav Maga course suitable for all levels.

We find that a blend of advanced practitioners including high level instructors, with beginners, as well as students from other styles, helps develop a unique program. Each participant develops at their own rate and their own pace. There is a good Teacher - Student ratio and a lot of individual attention. We are not drill sergeants, we are educators. 

Personal Approach

We take a personal approach and each participants is seen as an individual with their own needs. We address those needs. We want to know why you came and what you hope to gain from the program.

While the program is conducted in the English language we can manage with Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese and Dutch, and of course Hebrew.

Tour and Train participants and instructors

Register for all Courses 

Tour and Train Registration

What Will I Learn? 

We You will learn the fundamental of Krav Maga and its many applications. 

  • Hand to Hand Combat 
  • Defense vs common street attacks 
  • Defense vs Knife threats, knife attacks, axes, machete and other sharp objects
  • Defense vs. Gun Threats; hand guns and long weapons.
  • Defense In and Around a Car.
  • How to handle Hostage situations. 
  • Airline Defense: For passengers, flight attendants, and pilots. 
  • Combatives and Israeli Combat Spirit.
  • Defense vs. random street attacks.
  • Profiling
  • Overcoming fear
  • Scenario training 
  • Study and analyze real life cases; our training is based on an analysis of real cases. 

How Long is the Course? 

 We have ten day courses and Five Day courses. We also offer the option of individual planning and adding extra training, either before or after the regular training. 

Tour and Train Israel Experience 

The basic course is Ten full days however it is actually a little bit longer, plus there are options for extension.

Our first official day of training is a Monday and we continue through Friday afternoon. We break on Friday afternoon in time for the Sabbath.  

The Sabbath/Shabbat/Saturday is a day where you can either hang out at your place and rest, or join us for religious services, or just join us for a group lunch in the Sabbath spirit. Often we gather informally on Saturday afternoon for coffee and cake and to talk about life, training and our experiences so far. (optional).

  • Saturday night we have additional optional training. As such this brings us to 11 days of training. 
  • The Sunday before our official start is an Orientation Day. We expect you to arrive by this Sunday at the latest. On Sunday you will check into your rooms, meet your hosts, and settle in. We will take you shopping for food supplies. We will take you to a fair money exchange place, and we will help in you in any way that is necessary. If need be, we will also help you in medical matters.
  • Sunday night we will have our regular Krav Maga lesson with our local group, you are invited to join us for this training. Thus, you already have another additional training session. 
  • "Day 11" is the Friday after the official conclusion of Tour and Train. This day is optional and involved an educational cost. This day is devoted to Israeli Kickboxing for those interested. 
  • There is also the option of arriving early for extra training or extending your trip and staying later. 

Five Day Training Camp

This is pure training. Five full days of training, no tours. Of course participants are free to tour during their free time. 

This one week training program is designed for those who are either not interested in touring, or have already participated in the Tour and Train program. This program focuses exclusively on Krav Maga, covering all aspects of self-defense training. The cost is designed to suit all needs. 

For more Information Five Day Training Camp

When Does it Take Place?


November 11 - 21, 2024, Tour and Train, now registering participants.

November 24 - 28, 2024, Five Day Training Camp Now registering participants. 

June 2-12, 2025, Tour and Train, Now registering participants.

How Much Does it Cost?  

The basic ten day Tour and Train course costs $1400  

5 Day Training Camp - $490 (including Krav Maga T shirt)

Where Does the Course Take Place?  

We are based in Maaleh Adumim  in the amazing Judea desert. We are 20 minutes from Jerusalem by car (by camel a little longer).

Judean desert

Do I Need Previous Experience? 

While many participants do have previous experience this is not required. You might ask how can beginners and advanced students train together? Well, they can and when you arrive you will see how this works out very successfully and each participant gets exactly what they need. Each person is teamed up with an appropriate partner under our careful supervision.

Do What Kind of Fitness Level is Required?  

No special fitness is required other than basic good health. Krav Maga is designed for regular people, not only Olympic athletes. If you need to take a break you can do so at any time. If you need a day off you are certainly allowed.

Can I Test for Rank?  

 Yes. All participants are eligible to test for rank in Krav Maga and Kickboxing. IKI Members can also test for instructor ranks. In order to test for instructor rank one must be a member of IKI.

To Join IKI see IKI Membership. IKI Members also receive a $100 discount on the Tour and Train program. 

Do I Receive a Certificate?  

You may receive several certificates. Tour and Train participation certificate. There is also the possibility of testing for ranks and for extra, special, courses.

Note: Belt tests and instructor tests involve extra fee.

How Do I Reserve a Spot?

To reserve your spot, you must pay the $400 Registration fee (with Paypal this is $425)

$400 deposit and registration fee.  Non - Refundable.
This is a processing fee and reserves your spot. This covers us for our time, effort, and expense in the event the participant does not show up.
If the participant does show this counts towards the cost of the course.

Sample Itinerary

Sample Itinerary

What about Housing, airport pickup, etc?

Once you register for the program and book your flight - you are all set. We do the rest. We can arrange for you: housing, airport pickup and drop off, shopping, currency exchange at the best rates, restaurants, Housing with WIFI, air-conditioning, laundry and any issues that may pop up. We are your Israel connection.

What Airport Should I Fly to in Israel? 

You should book your flight to land at Ben Gurion International airport. The code is TLV.

Travel Tips: Do not arrive in military style fatigues. Do not travel to Arab countries before arriving in Israel (Update: United Arab Emirates is OK). Be polite at all times and respect the authorities at the airport.  Do not carry knives in your bags. We have all the training equipment you need right here. 

Respect military and police. 

Can my spouse join us and not participate in the training, only in the touring? 

 Nonparticipating spouses are welcome to join us for the touring segments of the trip. The fees will be only the cost of travel and touring $500.

For the Five-Day Training camp non participating spouses can join at no cost.

What is the Best Way to Prepare Myself for the Trip? 

One excellent way to prepare for the trip and gain the maximum for the training is to join our Krav On Line Distance training program. This way you will receive many Krav Maga training clips and will arrive with a better understanding of the training. The techniques will appear more familiar to you and you will progress faster. In addition you will receive a $100 discount for the Tour and Train program. 

Purchasing the DVDs is also an excellent way to prepare for the training. 

To prepare for the touring part and to understand the history of Israel, it is advisable to read the book, "Israel: A Nation of Warriors.

IKI Membership


The Book - Israel: A Nation of Warriors

16.99 Paperback    Israel, A Nation of Warriors

Videos of past Tours

Testimonials from participants

Tour and Train testimonials from past participants


The choice of housing is up to you, but we can help you. Prices for Hotels or a bed and breakfast in Jerusalem can run from a few dollars per night to hundreds.

I feel it is best to stay in Maaleh Adumim. We do not have any hotels but there are very nice rooms an units for rent ranging from about $20 per night to about $50 a night.

Once you register for the program, we contact you and arrange all the details and find accommodations that suit your needs.

Food here is rather inexpensive, unless you choose to dine in fancy touristy restaurants.

Smoke free environment:

IKI is a smoke free environment. Our hosts have made it clear that no smoking is allowed on their premises. If you are a smoker, please refrain while you are here or find a place far away so that it does not affect others.

No smoking during the tours or during the training.


This is a Sabbath observing community. As such we ask you to respect the feelings and the guidelines of the community. Thus, on Saturday there is no playing of loud music, no vehicles, no smoking etc.

Our community is a traditional Jewish one. You will feel very welcome here. Please try your best to fit in and respect the community and they will treat you the same. Those who wish may spend Saturday on their own. Some participants chose to go to Tel Aviv, the beach, or to visit friends, the choice is yours.

Registration for all Courses, and Airport Pickup

Krav Maga Tour and Train Registration.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.